Advice to parents

Tower Hamlets Local Offer

School Equipment

To ensure students achieve in their studies, please equip with the following items:

  • School rucksack
  • School academic diary
  • Pencil case
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Rubber
  • Calculator
  • Dictionary
  • Coloured pens
  • Eraser, sharpener and gluestick

Mobile Phones, The Internet and Social Media

Safety is paramount at Oaklands School.

For that reason, any phone or tablet taken out during lessons, in corridors, or playgrounds will be confiscated and stored in the school office. Parents or students are asked to collect a phone or tablet at the end of the school day.


Navigating the internet and social media can be confusing and difficult.

Oaklands School is committed and dedicated to help keep students safe on-line.

Remember. Most, if not all, social media apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp have a minimum age to sign-up. This age is 13.

Be vigilant when your child is online and:

  • Keep all account settings to private
  • Do not give out personal details
  • Do not accept friend requests from people you don’t know
  • Do not send inappropriate images
  • Do not meet anyone you have been talking to online
  • Check your child’s social media accounts and keep the computer or laptop in an open area that is visible to you.

If you would like any more information about safeguarding young people please contact our school reception (0207 613 1014) to speak to a member of our safeguarding team.