Attendance and Punctuality

At Oaklands we have high expectations around students’ attendance and punctuality and are grateful that parents and carers for their ongoing support in this regard. Whilst we acknowledge that on rare occasions, students are late to school as a result of circumstances beyond their control, poor punctuality is not acceptable. It results in valuable learning time being lost and is also disruptive for other students and staff when students arrive late.

Students are expected to arrive at the tutor bases by 08:45 am. To facilitate this, the school gate will close at 08:42 am. Students who arrive at school after 08:42 am should sign in at the pastoral office (student services after 9.05am). They will be given a late mark and expected to complete a late detention according to the following weekly schedule:
Monday - Year 9
Tuesday - Year 10
Wednesday - Year 7
Thursday - Year 11
Friday - Year 8.
The length of time will increase if a child is late for school more than once in a week (one late = 20 minutes, two lates = 40 minutes, 3+ lates = 1 hour 15 minutes). 

Persistent lateness to school could mean that parents/carers face a fixed penalty notice and /or prosecution.

Parents will be informed by text message if their children have been late for school on any given day and that they are expected to stay for late detention.

If you wish to inform the school that a child has been late owing to circumstances beyond their control, please contact your child’s pastoral leader in the first instance on . Details for Pastoral Year Leaders are detailed below.

 Please view our attendance and punctuality policy here.

Pastoral Year Leaders

Year 7 - Ms S Begum

Year 8 - Ms K O'Hara

Year 9 - Ms K Leaper

Year 10 - Mr Prendergast

Year 11 - Ms S Khatun

Year 12 & 13 - Ms S Aktar 

Pastoral Leader for Years 7 - 11 - Mr A Miah

Pastoral Leader for Years 12 & 13 - Ms S Aktar


Download Holiday/Extended Leave Request Form. Please refer to the attendance and punctuality policy for further guidance and submit the form to reception at least two weeks prior to intended absence.