Equality Objectives

These objectives are drawn up in consideration of the Equality Act 2010 which protects individuals from discrimination and harassment based upon ‘protected characteristics’. The protected characteristics in respect of the students are:

  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Equality of opportunity at Oaklands School means providing equality and excellence for all in order to promote the highest possible standards. Equality of opportunity applies to all members of the school community; students, staff, governors, parents and carers and community members.

The core values and ethos of the Equality Policy are:

  1. To prepare students for life in a diverse society and world.
  2. To meet the diverse needs of the students.
  3. To ensure that an inclusive ethos is established and maintained.
  4. To make Oaklands School a place where everyone, irrespective of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin or citizenship, feels welcomed and valued.
  5. To respect and value linguistic, cultural and religious diversity in the community.
  6. To develop each pupil’s sense of personal and cultural identity and to encourage students to be confident, open to change, receptive and respectful towards other identities.
  7. To acknowledge the existence of prejudice, and be proactive in tackling and eliminating discrimination.
  8. To ensure that issues related to equality and prejudice are recognised across all areas of school activity.
  9. To ensure that equality is an integral part of all planning and decision making within the school.