Why is Science important?
Science allows us to understand how things work and why things happen. It is through a passion for science that humans have managed to solve problems in every walk of life, from ever improving medical care in hospitals through to engineering the world’s tallest buildings. The core task of scientists in every field is to appraise information and draw out conclusions, enabling them to ascertain the validity of information. Therefore, those that study science improve their ability to think critically about data and information: skills which have never been more important in our increasingly complex world.
What is the aim of the Science curriculum at Oaklands?
The science curriculum at Oaklands aims to instil the value of knowledge, and the ability to apply knowledge in a range of situations. Science is an investigative, practical subject and as such we believe that lessons should be interactive, engaging, explorative and enjoyable for students of all abilities. We aim to build an inquisitive and problem solving approach to the subject and therefore we have built a curriculum which ensures challenge for all learners. As a school with several years of the very strongest science results, we teach all students with the assumption that they will continue studying science to A level, University and beyond. This is reflected in our choice of qualifications, our extracurricular activities and the structure of the curriculum itself.
How is the curriculum in Science structured?
The science curriculum at Oaklands is structured to enable students to revisit key concepts and build on them year on year (a “spiral” curriculum). It has been carefully mapped to ensure that knowledge can be embedded sequentially and applied to higher order concepts later. Practical skills are spread across the curriculum with regular opportunities to conduct experiments in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. From year 9, students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate subjects, allowing them to learn all three simultaneously for effective course progression.
Topics covered in Year 7
Biology topics:
- Cells and microscopes
- The human body: Food and digestion
- The human body in focus: Organs and how they function
Chemistry topics:
- Particles and Matter
- Atoms, Elements and Compounds
- Chemical Reactions
Physics topics:
- Forces
- Earth and the solar system
- Motion
Topics covered in Year 8
- Cellular processes: movement of molecules and sustaining life
- Genetics: DNA and inheritance
- Ecology: Classification and ecosystems
- Acids and Alkalis
- Earth as a Resource
- Environmental Chemistry
Physics topics:
- Electricity and magnetism
- Energy
- Waves
Topics covered in Year 9
- Cell Biology
- Cells and larger organisms
- Atoms and Matter
- Purity & Separating Mixtures
- Bonding
- Matter
- Motion and forces
Topics covered in Year 10
- Organs
- Water, carbon and nitrogen cycles
- Energetics
- Electrolysis
- Chemical reactions
- Electricity
- Magnetism
- Waves
Topics covered in Year 11
- Inheritance, genes and selection
- The environment
- Food supplies
- Health
- Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium
- Improving Processes and Products
- Organic Chemistry (Separate Science only)
- Earth Science
- Radioactivity
- Energy
- Global challenges, including car safety and astrophysics
KS4 Qualification titles
- OCR Combined Gateway Science A
- OCR Gateway Science Physics A
- OCR Gateway Science Chemistry A
- OCR Gateway Science Biology A
KS5 Qualification title: A Levels-Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- OCR Biology A
- OCR Chemistry A
- OCR Physics A
- Pearson BTEC Applied Science
Additional learning resources
All students from KS3 to KS5 will have revision guides and will be provided with additional resources by their teachers.
Practical tips / activities for parents to support learning at home
A quiet place to study at home.
Ensure your child has all the equipment (working calculator, ruler etc.)
Ensure your child does not miss school or lessons unnecessarily.